Friday, July 22, 2011

Mega Friday Post!

Lots going on today people. First up. No biggie. It’s my 29th birthday! This will be my last year in my twenties and my last year as a single girl. So, yay. That’s worth celebrating! In honor of the occasion, Jay my constant encourager and #1 fan sent me flowers at work yesterday. If any men read this blog, take note, girls really do love flowers! Below is a picture of the arrangement he sent. For some reason, blogger does not like the photo I here’s the picture from the ProPlants website. Actually, he didn't get me flowers, he got me a plant! A rose bush, which I took home with me in hopes that it will continue to grow at our house! I’m thinking office lighting would kill this pretty plant.
Second. I've got a condo update! Last Sunday, I spent the entire day from 10:00am until 11:58 pm working on the condo. I was exhausted the next day, but it felt great to get some things done. It would be super if everything could be done after a day like that, but sadly we're somewhere in the middle. But I did get the bathroom cabinets painted! That’s a big item off the to-do list. Here is the before snap shot. Notice the wood paneling, rust around the handles, and the smattering of paint blobs from the previous owners. Lovely, no?  
Here’s the after. Ta-da: white cabinets and new door knobs! Looks much better. It took me 4 coats, plus a coat of primer to get the coverage right. That wood paneling did not want to go away.
Annnnnd, this weekend I’m heading to Chicago to celebrate one of my college roommates upcoming wedding! We’ve got a great little weekend line-up! And celebrating anything with these girls and having them in my life is a real JOY and blessing! We are forever friends and always there for each other and anytime we are together, it’s like not one day has passed since college. And that, my friends, is priceless!!!
I'm sure I'll be throwing more crazy looking hand signs this weekend. And I bet there will be a few photos with my mouth open and my eyes closed. Or maybe we've matured? But my guess is it's going to be pretty typical and that means a good time to be had be all!


  1. oh my goodness! i LOVE that jay is your #1 fan -i can't stop giggling! have fun and have a fantastic bday!!!! xoxo

  2. I love the idea of a plant as a flower gift... I'm still really good at killing them :)
    The white cabinets look awesome! Can you show an overall shot of the room?
    Had a BLAST this weekend! Woot!

  3. Dorothy - yes, this weekend was ah-mazing. And I'll get some photos of the whole bathroom up soon...want to finish the bathroom and then do a big before/after post. Yay! And the only thing left is to replace the light fixture....we're almost there!

  4. The cabinets look awesome!! Great job!
